The effort of volunteers is the lifeblood of FESF and quite simply, without volunteers there is no program. There are many events, fundraisers and programs supported by FESF needing volunteer participation. Listed below are some opportunities to invest your valuable time to help support FESF success.
Jingle Jog
An Annual Family 5K and 1K fun run to benefit the Ford Elementary School Foundation. Usually the first Saturday in December, Jingle Jog enjoys participation from runners and walkers of all levels and ages. Volunteers are needed with planning the run and race day activities like water stations, time keepers and registration tables.
Swinging for STEM
Our annual Golf Tournament, Swinging for STEM, is a fundraiser that supports our STEM education and environmental programs at Ford. Golfers of all levels are welcome to sign up and play. It is a fun way to raise money for our school.
Gardens Clean-Up Day
Various Saturdays throughout the year, our gardens need tending. Volunteers from our school and community are invited to join the fun to help maintain our Award winning Children’s Gardens.
Evening in the Garden
An Annual outdoor extravaganza featuring the Art, Environmental and Music programs at Ford Elementary. Volunteers are needed to assist with set-up, meal distribution and clean-up.
STEM Speakers
We love for STEM speakers to come in and present to students about their STEM career. We have had meteorologists, engineers, Cobb EMC Linemen, veterinarians, nurses, firemen, pilots, biologists, coders, programmers, and MORE come in and share about their career and path to get there. Do you have a career dealing with Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics? Then we would love for YOU to volunteer!
Earth Parents
Each year, we ask that parents support their child by serving as an Earth Parent. Earth Parents are trained and help deliver up to 6 environmental lessons per year alongside the homeroom teacher. This is a great way to experience the STEM and Environmental content first hand.